Tongcheng: "attracting talents and wisdom" out of the real recruit thick plant to attract new fertile soil

Release time:2024-01-04 popularity:0 source:admin

Information source: Tongcheng Financial Media Center


The picture shows Professor Li Zhiyuan guiding the researchers to carry out the dynamic stiffness test of elastic materials.

The development of enterprises is inseparable from talent support and scientific and technological innovation, in order to further improve the independent innovation ability and core competitiveness of enterprises, in recent years, Tongcheng actively implemented the talent strategy, implemented the flexible talent introduction mechanism, and made every effort to build the development and revitalization of the "talent highland", to gather talents in the industry, to promote the strong industry with talents, to achieve the integration of production and talent, mutual promotion and progress.

As a national high-tech enterprise, Anhui Weiwei Group is a private enterprise specializing in rubber products, and has been approved to establish "Anhui Province Automotive shock absorber rubber parts Engineering technology Research Center", "Anhui Academician workstation", "Anhui Province Skills Master Studio" and other R & D institutions. In August last year, the company was also selected as a national special special "little giant" enterprise. In the company's vibration and noise reduction technology research institute, Professor Li Zhiyuan, director of the research institute, is guiding researchers to conduct dynamic stiffness tests of elastic materials. He told reporters: "This equipment is developed by ourselves. It is the first and only test instrument for dynamic stiffness of elastic materials in our country. At present, the Beijing Architectural Design Institute and some big companies, such as 845 company, have come to us for testing."

The core of enterprise development lies in product innovation, which cannot be separated from the participation of professionals. Li Zhiyuan is a retired professor of Hefei University of Technology, doctoral supervisor, he led the research and development of high-damping composite sound insulation board product technology to reach the domestic leading level, filling the gap in Anhui Province related products. This year is his ninth year in Tongcheng, and he feels very comfortable working and living here. "Tongcheng Municipal Party Committee and government leaders at all levels are very concerned about our living and working environment. Here, the work is loose, the life is easy, we can carry out our own research work without worry. Now we have taken Tongcheng as our second home." Li Zhiyuan said.


The picture shows the staff of Tongcheng Enterprise Service Center visiting the enterprise.

Talents are attracted and retained, which is mainly attributed to Tongcheng's talent service mechanism of "both soft and hard". Not only pay attention to the real money, but also sincerely grasp the service. Through regular visits to key enterprises and sending talent support policies, the city carries out one-to-one services for high-level talents of enterprises, builds an exchange platform for enterprise talents, helps enterprises carry out talent introduction services, guides talent policy declaration and other talent development services, and truly retains talents with policies and treatment. It not only helps enterprises reduce the cost of talent, but also encourages the morale of employees, and creates a good environment for "tying hearts and retaining people".

Li Binshang, chairman of Anhui Weiwei Rubber Parts Group Co., LTD., said: "The support of talent policy plays a vital role in the development of our enterprise, especially in the aspects of technology research and development, quality improvement, process reform, etc., plays a considerable role."

A talent policy such as the "Wendu Talents" project, the "20 New Policies for Talents", the talent housing project, and the annual arrangement of 30 million yuan special funds for talents has greatly stimulated the enthusiasm of enterprises to absorb talents and find talents, and truly let talents enter, retain, live well, and do well. At present, Tongcheng enterprises have introduced and cultivated more than 400 high-level talents, providing a strong talent support for the economic and social development of Tongcheng.

Tongcheng City enterprise service center results transformation and personnel service department relevant person in charge, our city firmly establish the "talent is the first resource" idea, in-depth implementation of "one change two", carry out "policy into the enterprise, demand into the enterprise, service into the enterprise" activities, highlighting the matching degree of talent and industrial development, and the connection with the local economy, Carefully sort out the needs of high-end talents urgently needed for the development of leading industries and backbone enterprises, and attract "high-level, sophisticated and lacking" talents in a targeted manner. For those listed in the list of high-level talents, we will sort out the situation one by one, coordinate implementation one by one, make timely and accurate docking, promote in-depth cooperation, and closely follow development and attract talents as needed, so that talents and industries can support and integrate with each other. (Yu Guo Zhao Lingling Sun Xuewei all go to the sun)
