Anqing Municipal People's Government legislation and major decisions Anhui Weiwei Plastic Parts Group Co., Ltd. grass-roots contact points related information disclosure

Release time:2024-01-04 popularity:0 source:admin

First, the main responsibilities of grass-roots contact points

The grass-roots contact point for legislation and major decision-making of Anqing Municipal People's Government is a fixed contact unit for grassroots people, enterprises and other organizations to directly participate in the municipal government's legislation, normative documents and major decision-making activities, and an important platform to assist relevant departments of the municipal government to directly understand, collect grassroots public opinions and listen to opinions and suggestions. Its main responsibilities are as follows:

(1) Collecting the opinions and suggestions of grassroots people, enterprises and other organizations on legislation, normative documents and major decision-making plans and drafts;

(2) According to the actual situation of economic and social development of the city, put forward suggestions on legislation, normative documents, major decision-making plan projects and draft texts;

(3) To participate in and assist in organizing grassroots people, enterprises and other organizations to participate in legislation, normative documents and major decision-making work research, discussion, demonstration and hearing activities;

(D) invited to participate in the research and drafting of legislation, normative documents and major decisions, argumentation and consultation, subject research and other activities;

(5) To participate in and assist in organizing research and evaluation of the implementation of legislation, normative documents and major decisions;

(6) Assist in carrying out publicity activities on the rule of law, explore effective ways and means of publicity on the rule of law, and enhance the effectiveness of publicity on the rule of law;

(7) Timely reflect the opinions and suggestions of grassroots people, enterprises and other organizations on legislation, normative documents and major decisions;

(8) Other work related to legislation, normative documents and major decisions.

2. Other matters to be announced

Responsible person: Li Binshang

Contact number: 0556-6021292
