Tongcheng Fangang Town: "three micro" to lead the high-quality development of enterprises

Release time:2024-01-04 popularity:0 source:admin


       In recent years, the Party branch of Anhui Weiwei Plastic Parts Group Co., Ltd. has continued to follow the work idea of "focusing on the party building around the economy and promoting the development of the Party building", bringing together the organizational force, centripetal force and internal power of non-public party building, promoting the deep integration of non-public party building with the development of enterprises and the same frequency resonance to achieve high-quality development of enterprises.

Tongcheng Fangang Town: "three micro" to lead the high-quality development of enterprises

Anhui Weiwei rubber Parts Group Co., Ltd. party branch in the party class

   "Micro lead" to build a foundation. Always adhere to the Party's political construction in the first place, adhering to the concept of "strong party building, strong development", will adhere to the party's leadership, party organization setup and funding security and other content written into the company's articles of association. Under the leadership of Li Binshang, the branch secretary, in-depth study and implementation of the Party's 20 major spirit, strictly regulate the life of the Party organization, through the "three meetings and one lesson", theme Party Day and other party organization activities, strengthen the theoretical armed, strengthen the exercise of party spirit. Encourage party members to strive for excellence, guide party members and workers to formulate work goals according to their own positions, responsibilities, capabilities, etc., take the initiative to shine their identity, serve as an example, effectively play the role of the fighting fortress of the party organization and the vanguard role of party members, and ensure that the company's operation and development are not yaw and not derailed. Set up 4 demonstration posts for party members, 2 responsibility areas for party members in the workshop, and 2 observation posts for party members. Led the organization of the establishment of Anhui Weiwei Academician workstation innovation chain Party building Alliance, alliance units covering Anhui Weiwei Academician workstation academician, 10 non-public party building instructors and Huaxing tobacco machine and other 15 enterprises, to achieve enterprise group development.

Tongcheng Fangang Town: "three micro" to lead the high-quality development of enterprises

Anhui Weiwei rubber parts Group Co., LTD. Party building exhibition hall

     "Micro position" strong vitality. In order to give full play to the role of the link of the party building position, Anhui Weiwei Group Co., Ltd. continues to increase investment in hardware construction in accordance with the standardization requirements of the party organization, to ensure that the majority of Party members and workers have positions, learning atmosphere, organization in the heart, and direction of action. Invest 300,000 yuan to build 300 square meters of party building exhibition hall, fully display the enterprise party building elements and red power, into the secretary project to follow up the implementation, the party building exhibition hall has been completed. Party members and workers in the position to learn theory, watch videos, take party lessons, in the position to talk about ideas, heart to heart, seek development, in the position than learning, evaluation of advanced, show style, really let the party building in the position "live" up. At the same time, with the development goal of "creating a Weiwei brand and building a century-old enterprise", the company has set up corporate culture corridor, Party members' activity room, women's micro home studio, reading corner, table tennis room and other learning, entertainment, leisure and fitness places. Build a new theme cultural park to create a cultural atmosphere and enhance employees' sense of belonging and identity.

Tongcheng Fangang Town: "three micro" to lead the high-quality development of enterprises

The garden village Committee presents banners to the party branch

      "Micro dedication" to fulfill the mission. Over the years, Anhui Weiwei Group Co., Ltd. has been practicing the original mission, taking the initiative to shoulder social responsibility, enthusiasm for social charity, and show practical responsibility. The Party branch of the company actively participates in Tongcheng's "100 enterprises help 100 villages" activities, pairs with Xinlian Village of Fangang Town to help solve the problem of poverty alleviation children's employment, and has donated 300,000 yuan for social education; In the flood fighting and rescue, actively organize party members to stick to the front line of flood prevention and ensure the safety of villagers; In the face of the severe situation during the epidemic prevention and control period, the Party branch of the company immediately donated 500,000 yuan to the medical staff fighting in the front line and the Red Cross Society, and donated 100,000 yuan to the epidemic control headquarters in Fangang Town to inject warm forces into the front line of the epidemic. Actively responding to the national rural revitalization strategy, it has donated more than 700,000 yuan to help rural development since 2022, showing the "new image and new spirit" of enterprises in the new era! (Photo/Zhu Yan)
